60th Birthday Wishes For Sister
Sisters are truly wonderful. They’ll encourage you, support you no matter what. They have your back in every situation. If that’s not enough, here are some cool ideas on what to write in your sister’s 60th birthday wishes.
Happy 60th Birthday Wishes For Sister
- Wishing you a grand, amazing, spectacular and beautiful 60th birthday! May you have many more to come. Happy Birthday Dear Sister. We love you lots.
- I have been working on this letter since Christmas, you always were my favorite sister. We were never that close while growing up, but after I left home we really started to bond and build a special bond. You are kind and generous and a very good person. I’m glad you made it to 60, seems like yesterday we were kids playing around in the back yard. Old friends that I love to death, we’ll always be connected by our inner child. Happy Birthday Sister.
- Your 60th birthday celebration will be the most exciting time, I am sure you would have an awesome time. Happy Birthday sis, may you have more birthdays to come and congrats on your completion of 60 years.
- The love I have for you is a long as the sea, but as strong as the tides. My love for you has no limit! I want to wish you a happy and prosperous 60th birthday sis! I love you more than the stars above.
- Well…you’re 60 now. It seems just like yesterday when you were 16 and sneaking out to go to bars with your friends. You were always a cool sister, the first one I had. You may not be blood related, but you are still my sister, and nothing will ever change that no matter how many years go by.
- Dear sister, a day doesn’t pass by that I’m not reminded of how lucky I am to have you in my life. You’re my best friend, the big sister I never had, and above all else–you’re family. As we enter another decade together, let’s celebrate this milestone in style! Happy Birthday Sister.
- Today I want to wish you a Happy 60th Birthday! I am so lucky to have a sister like you. You were always there for me, and there were times when we didn’t see eye to eye, but somehow it worked out. I love you so much, and I am so glad that we got to spend this time together. You are my best friend in the universe and I love you so much!
- Today is your big day! I hope it’s everything you wanted and more. You’re so special to me and I can’t wait to see what the next 6 decades will have in store. It’s been such a pleasure growing up with you and watching you become the beautiful, intelligent, kind woman that you are today. May this day be filled with joy and laughter as we share it with all of our loved ones. I love you sis! Happy 60th Birthday Sister.
- Happy 60th Birthday Sister. I really hope you have a birthday that is filled with laughter and hugs, good times and great friends. I hope you make lots of new memories to fill your heart in years to come. Hear from you soon!
- Today I am so thankful that we are family. To me, you’re not just my sister. You’re a friend and my very best friend. Thanks for being such an amazing part of my life, in so many wonderful ways. Above all, thank you for always being there for me when I need you most. Happy 60th Birthday Sister.
- Dear sister, on your 60th birthday I would like to let you know that you have brought so much joy into my life. I look up to you and I admire your strength. You always seem to know just what to do in every situation and it’s so hard not to take your advice even though I am older. You are such a good example of how a woman should be and is there anything mom or dad could have done differently. You came out the perfect model. Happy 60th Birthday Sister.
- Happy Birthday Sister. We’ve been together for a long time and I want to thank you for all of the special moments we have shared. This year is your 60th birthday and I can’t believe how lucky I am to still be here with you, your unfailing support and love that has made these years even more memorable. You are the best example of what a sister should be. You’re my best friend, my rock and I love you so much!
- Sis, 60 years have come. And there you were still in my heart wishing you a happy birthday. As the years roll past I recall so many things that we did when we were kids and how you were always there for me through thick and thin. Every time I think of you, These are the things that I remember and wish to say: Sis, there will never be another like you In all this world, you’re a shining star So I’m shouting out “Happy Birthday.
- Happy 60th Birthday Sister. You are the oldest, but you are also the youngest. You are a mother and a child. The eldest child and our baby sister. It seems like just yesterday you were bringing me my toys when I was too small to reach them and driving me home from dance class with a full face of makeup and your hair done up. We’ll be celebrating this milestone this weekend! 60 is nothing to you. You are so young inside your heart, mind, body and soul.
- Happy 60th Birthday Sister. Happiness knows you. Laughter knows you. Music knows you. I hope that every day of your life is as beautiful as you are. 60 is just the beginning.
- May everything you wish for today and tomorrow be all you ever wish for. Happy, happy 60th birthday dear sister, may all your dreams come true!
- Happy 60th Birthday Sister. You are my best friend, the most compassionate person I know. You’ve always been there for me and that means the world to me. You never judge and you’re always willing to lend an ear. I admire your voice, whether it be singing or ranting and I hope it never fades. Eat cake!
- How lucky am I to have such a wonderful sister, who has been my friend and confidant for over 60 years. Happy 60th Birthday Sister.
- Those big 60 numbers you’re breaking today, my dear sister. I’m celebrating them with you, with a big smile on my face. Happy 60th Birthday Sister.
- Happy 60th Birthday Sister. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what. I’ll always be your bratty little sister, but you will always be my amazing big sister.
- I think you’re the coolest person I know. You are a joy to be around, and it’s never dull when you’re around! Look at all you’ve done in your life. Doing the happy dance just thinking about your 60th birthday party! Wish you 60 wonderful years, my sister.
- I can’t believe you are 60. I remember those days growing up. We always used to hate each other and fought like crazy because we were sisters, but now that we have grown up we have learned that you really are the best sister anyone could ask for. When I was a kid all I wanted was for you to play with me and when I got older you really helped teach me responsibility. Happy 60th Birthday Sister.
- Sister, you are the best. I’m so proud of all that you have become, and I love that we chose each other in this life. You taught me how to stand up for myself, laugh with my sisters and still be kind and generous to others. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you! You are going to make such a wonderful 60-year-old! Happy 60th Birthday Sister.
- Sis, you are the world’s best Sister. I am so glad that you came into my life and that we have been able to share so many wonderful years together. It seems like only yesterday that I was in your wedding and now here we are celebrating another milestone….your birthday! I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you the happiest of 60th birthdays! Thank you for all the love and joy you bring to me!
- Today is your 60th birthday, you are one day closer to being six sixty or 65. Whatever it is you’re looking forward to it with joy. You were a beautiful child and grew up to be a lovely woman. I hope that you have a great birthday and all the best in the coming year, I love you!
- Sugar, I can’t believe you are 60! You are still as amazing and beautiful as you were when you were 20. You are my last living grandparent, so it’s very special that we get to enjoy you. And I know that your mom, aunt and grandparents are all smiling down at you (and they aren’t jealous at all!). Have a wonderful 60th birthday!
- Turning sixty doesn’t make you old, it makes you smooth. I hope you enjoy your big 60th. Our family is so lucky to have such an amazing woman in our lives. Happy 60th Birthday Sister.
- I don’t know where I’d be without you, but I do know I’d be nowhere near as happy. You mean more to me than I could ever express in words. You bring sunshine into my life and make it so much brighter than it would have been without you. Happy 60th birthday sis!
- Sis, I can’t believe it’s finally here… your sixtieth birthday! You have always been there for me over the years and I wanted to give you a special gift that I know you will love!
- Sis, when you were a kid I thought you were so cool. You had the coolest clothes and spent all your time dancing and singing. I wanted to be just like you! Now we’re both adults and all grown up. You are still as warm as ever and I am thrilled to have found such an amazing sister. I love you so much! Happy 60th Birthday Sister
- Well, you’re getting on up there. Sixty years old. I always knew you were older than me, but man, 60 years old! I can still remember riding our bikes together when we were kids, and having water balloon fights with the neighborhood kids. Those were so much fun. Happy 60th Birthday Sister.
- Sis, in all these years we’ve always found a way to get along. We both had been through some tough times in life, but we always stood by each other as sisters. You are a good example for me and I admire your attitude towards life. I love you and wish you a happy 60th birthday!
- Happy 60th birthday to the best sister ever! We have shared so many memories over the years and I just want to say that I love you dearly. Thank you for being there for me when I needed a shoulder to lean on, someone to talk to, or someone to laugh with. You have always been my rock, but now more than ever as we are both getting older. We also share so many inside jokes that no one but us could possibly understand. Thank you for always making time for me.
- Sister: You have been my best friend for all my life, and you will always be. To remember all the fun we have had over the years, reminds me why I am so glad we are sisters. You have helped me in more ways than one, and I am better off because of you. Wishing you a happy 60th birthday!